Welcome to PlaaPlaaPlaa!

So you may be wondering why PlaaPlaaPlaa? What are those strange fish symbols above? What is ปลา and what does it mean? In short, this is a blog site, so surely there's going to be plenty of rambling. Unfortunately BlahBlahBlah was already taken, so I had to settle for the 'Plaa'. But there's actually more to it then just ramblings. The first fish symbol is actually a Christian symbol meaning ICTHUS - a greek acronymn which means "Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour". The other strange letters you see in the last fish is actually the thai word for fish which funnily enough is pronounced "Plaa". So when you put it all together, this site is going to be my ramblings in telling people about how Jesus Christ is God's Son, the Saviour in Thailand (with plenty of good stories about food in between). Happy reading.

Friday, April 25, 2008


sorry to those of you who might have visited this blog in the past week to find no new posts. it's not that i've forgot, it's that i have really limited net access at the moment since my computer's hard disk decided to melt in the korat heat last week while processing some video. very sad indeed. i'm hoping that i'll get it back next week, and will be able to update this blog regularly again - and send out my postcard.

Other reason for the lack of time to get on a computer is that Peace & Proud decided that they'd miss me to much when i left Korat, that the ended up coming back with me and are staying with me this week. ok, so maybe that's not the full reason, but sounds good i reckon. they obviously weren't so sick of me after my stay with them in korat. :) hehe it's been tops fun to have them with me. and having lived with a thai family now for a week in korat and having them stay with me for a week, i've learnt HEAPS more about thai culture(with still more to learn).

sorry this has to be a quick post, but as soon as i get time and get my computer back, i promise to update. so much has happened in the past couple weeks.

for those praying - pray i'll get my computer back soon and it'll be fixed under warranty :)
- thank God for continued opportunities to build relationships with thai's
- thank God for safe travels to and from Korat
- pray for Thai's to continue to be hungry to learn God's word and grow in their understanding as christians.